"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."
Galatians 5:22-23

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Rest of The Story

This morning before i raced to school i had some time to read devotions. The devotion i read was titled " The Rest of the Story", commenting on John 21:25 which says this:

"Jesus did many other things as well. If everyone of them were written down, i suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written. "

The writer of the devotion went on to talk about the poetic truthfulness of this passage. Think about this, to cover the entire surface of the planet we need approximately 101 quadrillion books. Now for Jesus to have enough book written about him to cover the surface of the earth that means that 100 millions book would need to be written for every second of his life. Wow... is it possible for one mans life to be that filled? It blew my mind that one person could have done so much to have so much said about them... But when i look at the life of Jesus and all that he did, is doing, and think about what he will do.... even with 101 quadrillion books I am not sure that we would even begin to have a dent into Christs full story. We are limited in our vision of God, but the good news is that he graciously has given us a wonderful story so that we don't need the 101 quadrillion books;we can satisfy portions of our curiosity right in his word. Though we may not be able to see everything, it allows us to begin to understand our part in his story and pushes us eagerly looking for the rest.

These last words were some what of a comfort as i continue to search for my part in the story and wait for what he might respond with.

"Just as Jesus counts every hair on our heads, every grain of sand on the sea shore, and every star in the sky, he knows 'the rest of the story'. And as we give ear to what he is saying and pay heed to what he has said, he promises to fill us in. "

Monday, March 21, 2011

Forgotten God - by Francis Chan

"When was the last time I undeniably saw the spirit at work in or around me?"

I have been reading the book Forgotten God, by Francis Chan, where he challenges us to engage the Holy Spirit, to think about what we may or may not understand about about the holy spirit, and to ask some potentially obvious but powerful questions. Of the many, this quote above struck me and has been in my thoughts the last couple days, causing me to really look at my self and what has been surrounding me to try and answer this question.