I was reminded today of how much i desire to be surrounded by Christs love and how i often try to find His love through other people or things. As I get ready to leave this Friday, i realize how nervous I am to be away from the people i greatly care about and who greatly care about me. While I finished packing up my dorm room today i listened to "Needle and Thread," by Sleeping At Last, and was reminded of how we are made in Gods Love, and how no matter how far from home i am, Gods love remains. So when i feel far from family and friends and loved ones, can be comforted in the promise of Gods Love for me and how his love is knit into my being. His love is never ending or unfailing.
Living Under The Influence,
Check out this Song By Sleeping At Last:
I love that song! And it's so true! I'm so excited for you, and even though you'll be far away, I know that everything will be just fine. That's why we have skype!!